Friday, February 27, 2015

dreaming of summer

mac and i spend our days inside

if it gets above 10 degrees i will consider taking him to the dog park. . .otherwise forget it!

we spend our time looking out at the sunshine, and mac loves to lay wherever the sun is coming through the window.

i can't get enough fresh fruit, looking at summer outfits on pintrest, and online shopping for summer clothes for baby.

mac and i have had many conversations about what we want to do this summer. . . over arching theme for our summer is spending time with baby & being outside as much as possible.

he likes to add things such as chasing squirrels, drinking from the hose, playing in his doggy pool, and long walks.

but i keep telling him we can't have too many plans and hopes for this summer as baby's schedule comes first and we will have to have an open mind about what the summer is going to be like.

regardless how tired i hear i will be from being a new mama. . . i am welcoming spring/summer with open arms! 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

a 30 week baby bump

the final countdown has started. 46 days until i hit " full term"

where has the time gone? 

some moments i am so excited to have baby here and the endless rib kicks be done, but then i have moments where i never want him to leave the safety of my belly.

i really love being pregnant. i can't believe it is going to come to an end so soon

Thursday, February 19, 2015


found myself here on a wednesday afternoon . . .

had the entire chapel to myself, it was just what i needed.

Monday, February 16, 2015

whirlwind valentines day

this weekend was quite a whirlwind of emotions and nerves over here.

saturday evening (valentine's day) i ended up in the hospital for a preterm labor scare.

after a few hours in triage being monitored and checked over multiple times, my OB admitted me to the labor and delievery unit as my contractions were 2-3 minutes apart and fairly strong, with no sight of slowing down.

i did get a dose of betamethasone (steroid injection that helps mature babies lungs quicker in case of a preterm labor) as well as getting hydrated with iv fluids.

^^ i could not have gone through this without this amazing man by my side. i am truly so lucky and blessed.

i made nick go home so he could get a good nights sleep as i know in the hospital between pumps going off, monitors malfunctioning, my fidgeting and insomnia, would not have allowed him any rest. we are so grateful to live nearby the hospital.

it was kind of a nice bonding time with me and baby in the hospital.... i fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat on the monitor

thankfully the contractions started to space out and dull without the use of tocolytics. i was able to return home the next afternoon.

having the neonatal panda warmer/resuscitation table in the delivery room with me made me comforted and nervous at the same time. grateful to have the equipment and medical advancement available, but anxious and praying that it wouldn't have to be used.

however we did have to go back in 24 hours to recieve the 2nd dose of betamethasone for baby boy's lungs.

 ^ sunday night, round 2. this picture says it all.

luckily it was a short lived stay with no signs of labor. baby is healthy and active and staying put for much longer. (56 days until i am considered "full term")

to all reading, i wouldn't be opposed to a few prayers sent my way.

may not be how i envisioned my weekend going, or spending valentines day in a hospital bed. but i was with my family and we are all ok.

the amount of love and protection i feel over this baby. . . i can't even find the words.

thanks to my amazing husband for being my support and constant advocate.
and for all the little things :
 - carrying my purse ( i know you hate that, but you do it anyways.)
 - opening every door
 - putting my shoes on
 - having my heating pad ready for me without me even asking
 - keeping my water bottle full and within arms reach
 - letting me watch the bachelor instead of the all-star game
 - cooking, cleaning, laundry, groceries
 - distracting mac all day so i can rest
 - still managing to get me roses on valentines day despite all the craziness

thanks to my co-workers for looking out for me and always offering a lending hand.
thanks to my mom for all her motherly advice.
and to my friends for listening to me vent & distracting me, and helping me stay positive.

this baby is so loved and has so many people looking out for it and the well being of his mama. i am just at a loss for words and can't express my gratitude enough.

hope everyone had a beautiful valentines day with those you love.

p.s. last valentines day weekend we added a new member to our family, see here. glad this year we didn't get to add one more.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

happy 25th birthday nick

tonight is nick's birthday!

we kept it pretty simple.

went out to dinner, to a movie.

his birthday gift was his new favorite ice cream

and a surprise visit from all his friends!

 ^ mac wanted to be included with the boys

i had to work all weekend and knew i wouldn't be up to doing much, so me and his friends arranged a surprise birthday party for him.

(pay back for the surprise baby shower) which is actually really funny, because i had been planning this birthday get together for him since early january before i even had my shower.

i guess we think alike

happy birthday to my handsome husband

Thursday, February 5, 2015

timberwolves game

i bought tickets for nick way back for christmas to the twolves vs cavaliers game, as lebron james is his favorite player.

it was such a fun night. i got a huge ice cream cone :)

and my parents ended up being at the game with another couple so we got to see them as well.

i unfortunately have been having to wear my glasses for the past 2 weeks as i have been having some eye issues. these are not the highest quality of glasses so pretty much every picture i am in there is a huge glare.

Lebron James #23

basketball is my favorite sport to watch live, we may have had to use a pair of binoculars, because we didn't have court side seats, but it was a blast regardless. and lebron did not disappoint, would have liked a few more dunks, but he was still fun to watch :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

third trimester

they aren't kidding when they say the fatigue comes back in the third trimester.

i've been trying to sleep every spare minute i have. i will have waves of motivation to clean or get stuff ready for baby. . . . but that is usually very short lived and then i need to go take a nap.

been spending a lot of time in my pajama's, but hey i'm not going to complain about that. :)

starting to get difficult to get comofortable at night.... poor nick suffers from my fidgeting too, as he is a very light sleeper

between me running to the bathroom 3 times a night and having to steal his pillows to get comfortable, we are both starting to get a little bit exhausted. i hear its good practice for when baby is actually here ;)

this pregnancy has gone extremely fast! i can't even believe i am in the third and final trimester. and to be honest i can't believe how great i've felt through out.

here's to hoping time continues to fly by and it will be spring before we know it, with warm weather, and blossoming trees & i will finally get to meet this little human who has already stolen my heart.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

a baby shower

this past weekend my friends threw me a baby shower. . . a SURPRISE baby shower.

i was beyond shocked... especially when i noticed my friend had flown all the way from Utah to be here.

what a wonderful group of friends i have, they made me feel so special and knowing how excited they all are for the baby makes me that much more excited as well!

i am so blessed, as is baby boy. thanks to everyone who was in on the secret shower and making this day so special for me.

i can't wait for baby to make his arrival so i can start putting all the lovely items i got to use!