Friday, August 12, 2011

Love Doesn't Wait.

Nick and I have been doing a lot of thinking about our Wedding. We had originally planned on May of 2013 {a year from when we graduate} but living back at home, and living away from each other for the 3rd year in a row just didn't sound appealing. We have contacted my church and other reception venues and are trying to find a date that works at the end of next July/ early August.

It is crazy to think that i went from having over a year and half, to now under a year to plan. I have never felt more excited happy and anxious for a day to come. We had thought about it all summer, and it feels like the right thing for us. Stay tuned for the official Wedding date. :)

1 comment:

  1. the happiness oozing out of this post just made my day <3
