Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Good fit. Good mood

One of the best feelings for me is a good pair of quality blue jeans. They just feel so good to put on, to strut my stuff in, and to especially wear with socks and sandal heel wedges.

you may be thinking socks and sandals? I swear its cute. :)

I have wide hips and a thin waist- so in order to have the legs fit my thighs appropriately i am usually drowning in the waist section....so thank goodness for belts.

This recent pair fits me so good- and it puts me in a good mood whenever i wear them. which is about 3 times a weeek since i have no time and hate doing laundry.

please don't pay attention to my messy room in the background. Give me a break it's finals time...this has also been the reason for my absence. school school school.

what brand of jeans are your favorite?

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