Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Year in Review // 2012


Winter fun

Nick begins his job search

Concert for Nick's 22nd birthday

bridesmaid day- found the prrfect dresses

Spring break in Panama City Beach, FL

2 year anniversary <3

I turn 22!

Nick gets baptized into the Catholic faith
Nick and I graduate college
Tear Party Bridal Shower
Applying for our marriage license

July 4th tradition waffle

Spending the fourth of July at the cabin with friends

Bridal Shower

Getting my hair done by my MOH Jill- only weeks before the wedding

Bachelorette Party

Married my best friend

Honeymoon to Seattle


Halloween Costumes [Black swan and football player] all to get our $2  Chipotle burrito

Pecan Pie on Thanksgiving

playing in granma/pa's backyard with the girls before the snow flew on Thanksgiving

Our first Xmas tree in our new home

Between graduating college, passing my boards and becoming an RN, accepting a new full time RN position at one of the top hospitals in the world,  Nick getting baptized, moving to a new apartment, getting married. . .  I'd say I thoroughly enjoyed 2012.

There were some hardships as well; friends moving away, family members with health issues,  job rejections, financial struggles, not to mention the crazy number of national tragedies our country has experienced.

There are so many more pictures i could post, between having game night every week with our best friends, trips to visit long lost friends, new babies being born in our family, new pets, grandparents  wedding anniversaries etc.

I just can't believe how much has changed from last year at this time. Some of it good, some of it disappointing. But overall I can't believe how much I have changed.

Looking forward to the start of a new year and many memories to come.


What are some of you favorite memories from this year?

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