Sunday, April 21, 2013


For my birthday we had a pot luck and just celebrated with close friends in the warmth of my apartment.

Doesn't mean it didn't get wild, I think we all had a fantastic night- not just the birthday girl.

^ the day after my birthday. . .

I stood and stared at myself in this mirror for a good 10 minutes, in a public bathroom, just critiquing myself.

Here I am 23, wishing i was prettier, thinner, more tan, had more money, had more time to hang out with friends, had nicer clothes, nicer shoes, had a more fashionable job. . . .

I expressed all these wants and shallow thoughts to Nick... he always says the right thing;

a. to make me appreciate my life
b. make me feel a little guilty for being so negative and shallow
c. make me feel like i am the most beautiful, accomplished women on this planet

He keeps my head on straight.

When i compare myself to Rihanna at 23, or Miranda Kerr . . . of course i will feel inferior to them. They are millionaire, supermodels.

Anyways, this year at the age of 23, I am striving to be less negative, and be thankful for all that i have even when i am having a bad day.

So what I can't by 800 dollar shoes... i probably would be so anxious and nervous to wear them outside it would be a waste of money and they would sit in my closet.

Someone has it better then you, someone has it worse than you. Just try to appreciate where you are at in life.

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