Sunday, July 5, 2015

Celebrating the 4th!

happy fourth of july! we had a great day celebrating with family.  we went up to spend the day with nick's grandma as it is her birthday. we grilled brauts and snacked on yummy side dishes and desserts during the afternoon.

^^ how cute are my boys :)

we always have to dress mac for the occasion of course, you can barely see his american flag bow tie peaking out from his collar.

something about a sunflower just makes ya happy! and trips to see family these days have become quite the task with all we pack. a diaper bag (and making sure its stocked), a bag for mac (toys, food, water dish, leash, meds) and a bag for me! and we usually get sent back home with leftovers. . . i'm not complaining about those ;)

trying to get out the door on time has become quite the game, and we aren't winning. we usually start preparing 2 hours ahead of time so we can time it right with feeding N as to limit the amount of stops we have to make on the drive.

once we got home we had a picnic in our backyard, the weather was so perfect, as was the company.

i can not figure out why the picture quality on these photos is so terrible, hopefully i can figure it out soon!

and for fireworks we went to our secret parking spot and watched them in our pajama's.

and we ended the night with cuddling. it was a wonderful fourth of july!

thank you to all the brave men and women who sacrifice so much to allow us to have such freedom. i am truly blessed to live in such a wonderful country. here are the posts from our previous fourth of july's in case you want to take a trip down memory lane 2011 . 2012 . 2013 . 2014

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