Tuesday, January 3, 2017

#1 fans

nick is in a basketball rec league again this winter. so every tuesday night he get's to make me fall more in love with him showing off his basketball talent. seriously what is it about seeing someone you love, doing something they love, and they look good doing... its the best! :)

we made every game except one... it was a 9pm start time, and lets just say mama doesn't have it in her to chase a overly tired toddler through out the gym and trying to keep him off the court. he actually does very very well, he more likes to run the track around the gyms, which doesn't allow me to be a very attentive fan- but i'll take that over him trying to run out on the court.

its so endearing.. when nick goes into play at the start of the game, he blows kisses and waves.. then all of a sudden he gets this look on his face, like WAIT... dad don't leave me! and then a few tears are shed... as well as when nick comes in on timeouts..so the last half of the season nick stopped coming out of the game at all to sit on the bench...haha poor nick, hey its a good work out right!? oh the things we do for our kids.

even though we were the only two fans for the entire team all season... i kind of secretly loved having those evenings just me and my boy on an empty set of bleachers, watching our main man do what he loves

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