Sunday, September 18, 2011

Last Firsts.

I am a senior in college- in case you didn't know.

Remember in high school all the lasts? The last lunch, the last dance, the last pep rally etc..

I am trying not to think about all the lasts, but it is hard. My friends here are my family. And everything i do with them is bittersweet, knowing it'll be the last first football game i attend as a student.

Here is a dorky picture of me and Nick :) {is it possible to love someone this much?}

It is all bitter sweet. This is going to be one of the best years of my life. But it is going to fly by, and after all is said and done- we will graduate and go seperate ways.

However, i have a sense of comfort, I know that my close group of friends and I will remain friends for life. Even if I don't get to see them every day, or every month, I know that every time we meet for whatever, it'll make it that much more special when i do get to see them.

I am sad about the lasts, but i am so excited for all my firsts with Nick as a married couple.

Did a Zombie bar crawl last night with mah besties.....lets just say we "killed" it.
random tid bid i wanted to share.

Thank you to all my close friends in Winona. I love all of you always. You are family. You know who you are.


(booo its Sunday. bleh.)

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