Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Beauty in the breakdown.

^^ Play button. Artist: Frou Frou

Break down number 1 of the semester.

I can't do it all. I can't be everything. I can't make everybody happy. I can't be "perfect".

What a beautiful and humbling life lesson that hit me tonight.

Finding comfort in the ones who I love and who love me.

It doesn't matter what lead up to this, or what is to follow. But in the here and now, all we have is each other..My heart sings of thanks to God for putting certain people in my life.

Quote from ps i love you... {It is true.. ultimately we are alone in this world, but if we are all alone, then we're all together in that too.}

I heard myself saying to Nick "I feel like I have no control"

It hit me.. I shouldn't have control. I should be placing my trust in God. Why do i feel the need to control everything in my life?

That places a lot of pressure on myself. Unnecessary pressure.

Letting go....

2 words..

Why isn't it simpler to just let go?...

Free fall into my future with complete trust.

To have faith that it will all be ok.

Faith. It truly is a gift. One that i have been praying God will instill upon my heart. To have no reservations.

a tuesday night.
a twenty-one year old.
a few tears shed.
a few prayers sent upwards.
a breakdown.
a beautiful realization.

I know tomorrow i won't wake up a new person, or completely changed by tonight's events.

It will be a process.
An adventure.

I can't do it all. I can't be everything. I can't make everybody happy. I can't be perfect.

I will stumble. I will fall.

What is important is that i get back up.

There truly is beauty in the breakdown...


  1. loving this inspiration!

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