Sunday, October 9, 2011

King Harry

As some of you know I was a foster parent to the most amazing dog in the world. His name was "rascal" but, after i drove him home from the humane society, my car was covered in hair.

Hence the name King Harry. (harry=hairy.)

I think of this boy often. I miss how happy he made me when i was stressed with school.

It is hard when I want him back so bad, but he now has a new home. Someday I hope Nick and I can have a dog as great as King Harry.

You know how they say you never forget your first love?

Well i think this is true.

King Harry was the first dog true dog that I considered mine that I ever loved.

Our first picture together.... just getting to know one another

This is kind of an out of the blue post. But its strange isn't it?

How we sometimes can't remember what we did, what was said, or how the day went... but you never forget how you felt whether it was good or bad.

I look back at these pictures and I can barely remember how is bark sounded. Things i do remember is how excited and happy he was to see me after class and how i felt the same way when i saw him.

reciprocal happiness.

In other words, i miss him.

I miss his cute prance/hop when he walked.
I miss his whimper.
I miss how he smelt.
I miss having his hair on all my clothes.
I miss my study buddy.
I miss how happy he made me.

I hate the feeling of missing.

King Harry you will always be my favorite.

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh.....i feel depressed reading this- that dog was so awesome and coming from a "non-animal" person....that is a huge statement. He was the best,Mariss.....and I actually had a piece of heart go with him too.Whoever he is with now, better be loving on him !!!
