Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy May

Hoops and bandeaus are just about my favorite thing in the world right now. All my mind is really thinking about is Wednesday. Sweet summertime. May 1st huh? Remember "May Day" Baskets. I always use to do those. I bought plastics cups, a bag of candy and would put a few pieces in the cup, add a cheerful note, drop it off at their stairs, ring the door bell, and run for my life- hoping they wouldn't see me. Because obviously i did it to the boys i liked. Thinking about maybe giving my neighbors one....maybe that'll cheer em' up. How can people be so grumpy all the time? That is no way to live. I recently spoke about how music can influence and change my mood depending on the song. Weather is the same way. It is a conscious choice to be happy. We can't control the weather but we can control our emotions [most of the time]. Now we can't be happy every day all the time, but you know you, you know what makes you happy and what doesn't. So make the effort to make yourself happy. It is worth it. You are worth it. For me music, and getting ready makes me feel happy. So everyday of May I am going to find one thing i like about myself. Today I like my serious face. I think it is funny, because i'm really not that serious of a person. So when i am procrastinating and sit on photo booth going back through my pictures makes me laugh so hard. And sometimes it just feels good to laugh at myself. I just hope that even with this weather, and all the stress of ending a school year, and the plans we have to make for the upcoming months that we all take a moment. Laugh. Be happy. And realize you can't take life to seriously. Happy May.

gold hooooooooooops

going to make after my last final on Wednesday: summer cuppie cakes nomm

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