Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Just Rest

Finished my last test today. Officially it is summer for me. I thought i would feel giddy and hyper, but it is the complete opposite. I want to sleep for a week straight. However, work begins tonight and is almost full time until August. Sometimes a girl has got to get her beauty rest. It is hard for me to say no to people, but i know i just need some resting time. I don't want go out to the bars, or have people over. I don't feel like being around anybody. (Except Nick) Selfish? Ya, i guess you could say that is selfish
I am exhausted. I think it is good that i have realized it is okay to take some time to sleep. If this school year has taught me anything it is the importance of sleep. My mind still feels as if its running a mile a minute. I feel i've forgotten something, an assignment not yet turned in, that i was suppose to be to work at 3 not 5. I am going to work tonight, coming home and going to bed, sleeping in tomorrow and spending all day sitting with my eyes closed. I can see more when my eyes are closed...strange huh? But i can envision making lists, goals and plans for the summer. I want to be organized, but before i can do that i need to rest.
I can't always be motivated or motivational to others. Sometimes you have to find that on your own. My advice for everyone reading- The dishes can wait, the laundry machine will still be there in 2 hours, tomorrow you can clean, sometimes you can put off what you COULD do today. It is okay to procrastinate every once in awhile. Just rest and recollect your thoughts. Hope everyone has a restful and relaxing rest of the week.

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