Friday, July 15, 2011

A Better Me: (8 weeks to loving yourself)

Last night was such an eye opener for me. I had worked till 11, and was ready to go by 11:20. We made a pit stop at nicks' house, and upon those 5 minutes there i found myself in front of the mirror saying- i can't go out looking like this. It was a slippery slope from there.

I get very stuck in the one thought i have in my mind. I had worn my hair in the same high bun for the past 2 days, and hadn't shaved my legs and was in a skirt. Obviously no one else knew, but i knew, and i just can't seem to get out of my "mood" when i feel awful. I think part of it was due the fact that i stuffed my face at the pizza hut lunch buffet that afternoon.

Enough is enough.

I am not going to let my insecurities, and my "flaws" determine the course of my night, or my mood, or my arguments with my fiance. Not every girl feels pretty every day. At least i don't. Some will be better than others. So today i am joining an old challenge that Sometimes Sweet got me interested in. Be sure to check out her blog! It is an 8 week challenge to loving yourself, and embracing the days when you don't feel the best.

My 3 goals are:

1.Silence the self-criticism- I really due pick on my body a lot. The aim of the criticism is always at my hips/thighs. Why? My legs take me places, they allow me to work, and help others, they get me from store to store to shop, they let me go bike riding and swimming. Yet all i do is sit there and critique them how they could look better? I have this unrealistic goal of having Mila Kunis' thighs. Ever since seeing her dance in Black Swan, i thrive for that body shape. Which lets be real...unless i eat 1000 calories a day, and work out 5 hrs, 6 days a week like she did- i probably won't get that result. So, everytime i hear a thought creep up in my head, i am gonna walk away from the mirror, im gonna look at a picture of me that i really like and will block out the negative. All these negative thoughts have put me in such a weird mood.I am reclaiming my attitude, my thoughts, my mood, and my summer.

2.Continue my yoga routine- Yoga focuses my mind. It allows me to sense my body in a way that a cardio work out can't. I can feel the lengthening of my muscles, my core balance, my inner strength. Instead of focusing on what i can't do, or looking at the girl next to me who has been running the whole time, and i had to walk twice already. Yoga is such a good mind and body work out. It makes me feel good, and i vow to make more time for it.

3.Accept Compliments- Instead of always, always, having an excuse or a reason when someone says "you look great"- my response will not be "pssh ya right, or oh ya uh huh i just worked 8.5 hours" I will humbly smile, and just say thanks.

4.Dress up, just because- Time to get ready for nothing. I seem to only get myself dolled up before i go out, or for a photo shoot. But why don't i just do it, to do it? It makes me feel great. Honestly, to all you women out know if you take the time to make yourself look good, you'll feel good. It is okay to spend time on yourself you guys. You deserve it. I deserve it.

I hope everyone has self worth and sees them self as beautiful. It is so cliche, but if we all were the same, the world would be super boring. I am learning to be thankful for my differences, my wide hips, and my not so 6 pack of abs. :) "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Guess what? That means yourself, too. You can't control every aspect in your life, you can't even control what body type you have, but you can control your attitude.

I believe that everything in our lives stems from our attitudes. You have the choice to see the glass half full, rather than half empty. You have the choice to be happy, and you have the choice to see yourself as beautiful.

It isn't going to happen over night, i am giving myself 8 weeks. I will work on my goals daily, and check back in with you at the 4 week point to update you on my progress.

Genesis 1:27 - So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female.

Love God, Love yourself, Love life.

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