Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Trendy Tuesday

Summer. Summma. This summer is the last one i will be spending in my college town. I am currently working almost full time, other than that i don't know why i have felt so busy. I have so many goals for this summer. I was planning on starting Trendy Tuesdays in June, but i was so excited- it's close enough right?
I love floral. Pretty much floral anything. This dress is so comfortable. It has a corset feel in the bust, and adjustable straps.
It has pockets as well- i usually don't put anything in them except chap stick or lip gloss. A cell phone just makes it bulge. Ha, but i think pairing this dress with a cute braclet, maybe a gold necklace that is short with a single pendent on it would look the best.
And lets be honest, wearing dresses in the summer just makes a girl feel happy. Just because its summer and i work as a nurses aid doesn't give me an excuse to stay in scrubs and shorts all summer.
I wear my cute nude/tan wedges with this dress. It gives my legs a longer leaner look as well as making me taller. Makes it easier to kiss my tall boy. :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Eternally Yours

I have been hitting a writers block. I feel that i don't have much to say right now. I feel that i don't know a whole lot, i don't want to talk and ramble about pointless things that i have no passion for. So tonight at this time i am dedicating this post to my amazing fiance. I didn't believe in soul mates until i met you.

I am infatuated with the song we have decided on for our first dance song. The lyrics are everything i feel about you.

I need you to know this won't be broken
And all that we said will not be lost into the dawn
And you would be the last thing I saw coming
I'm still surprised

You are lovely tonight
You, dear, will guide me into the morning light
You are lovely tonight
Lay here beside me - I see the rest of my life with you

Alone we are fine; but when we're two, we are eternal
The moons have aligned our separate lives; here become one
And you would be the last thing I saw coming
I'm still surprised

You are lovely tonight
You, dear, will guide me into the morning light
You are lovely tonight
Lay here beside me - I see the rest of my life with you

All my life I've lived alone without you
All this time I couldn't find a way to belong

And you are lovely tonight
You, dear, will guide me into the morning light
You are lovely tonight
Lay here beside me - I see the rest of my life with you.
photo cred: megan h.

I am eternally yours.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Knick knack picknackk

Today is the first day me and nick have both had off from work. We slept in and packed ourselves a picknick.

We ate down by the lakes. After i just laid on the blanket and bathed in the sun. I am in love with fruit. mmm. Cut up my first cantalope yesterday. Thin is in, aka fruit diet. Except my boy loves wings, and beer {as do i} makes it tough to be beach bod ready ha. Betty Jo's needs to stop having such great deals! Also i have found the perfect summer cereal. Seriously honey bunches of oats with peaches. I can't get over how amazingly sweet crunch and perfect it is. Nom Nom.
In happy news my best friend is coming back from Australia- she has been there for 5 months..i am filled with pure joy thinking about seeing her on satruday....

In sad news, my great aunt passed away yesterday afternoon. She was surrounded by her loved ones, which i take comfort in. Most people wouldn't think a great aunt is that close of a relative but I saw Barb multiple times a year, and only living 10 min from one another she was always around. What is hardest for me is to see my family hurting. Her wake/funeral will be this weekend so i will be heading home for that.

So excited to see my family and my best friend.

Also officially aboard for the Nicaragua trip in December to give medical care to those in poverished areas, orphanages etc. I am hoping to get the Nikon D3000 by the time i go. It is so hard to save up money, especially when i am saving for 3 different things. It seems impossible.

But impossible is nothing.... right?

Sunday, May 22, 2011


It is exciting to me to think i am going to be a wife. Not just any wife, but Nick's wife. It is the best feeling in the world. Some people have asked me, you are still in college, you're so young are you really ready to get married. The thing is..i am. I want to be a wife, someday a mother {someday as in 5 years min.} I love the fact that i am marrying my best friend. I can't wait to try a recipe and have it turn out terrible, i want to stay up late doing dishes with him, complain about having to go to work, clean the house, have our own place, be grumpy when he won't stop watching sports and mow the lawn, try to figure out our taxes, pay the many bills and student loans and just watch tv. If i could marry him this summer i would. I hate being realistic and accepting that waiting till after we graduate is the best plan possible. [ school wise, money wise, living arrangement wise, job wise, planning wise] Wish i wasn't so wise, so i could just marry him now.

We had quite a day yesterday. Got up at 7, won a radio contest, then got pulled over, the jewelry store was closed when we got there, then having a detour on the way back, and trying to get to work on time. - Didn't happen. Not to mention it was my best friends 21st birthday. So after work we got ready and went out.

I am not your typical 21 year old college girl. I am soon to be a wife, and nurse.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


This weekend went home, and spent an evening with my fiances' family. On Saturday me and my parents went to St. Cloud to shop. Little did i know they wanted to shop for yep you guessed it furniture! Probably the one thing that is most boring for me to look at. Sure did learn a lesson though, we found a gorgeous brown leather couch for $287, and we are getting it for ME. After going from antique shops, vintage thrift stores and having no luck we decided to go to the mall. Got nude wedges, halter top, and 2 pairs of shorts. I would say it was a success. For lunch we ate at this cute pub. It was delicious. Me and mom split a roast beef sammy and i got a mocha as well.
Sunday i went to church with my dad. Saw some old high school friends. Little did we know it was the baccalauerate mass. So all the graduating kids from our parish are recognized and prance around the aisles. It was nice, just long. (Thats what she said) HA. Sorry. I worked a 10 hour shift from 5pm to 3am last night. Still feeling a little loopy. Anywhoo. Ate a great dinner with Nick's family. Then we headed to uptown. We met up with Jill and Mark at Plan B {coffee shop.} Our original plan was to go Geocaching.

You may ask what is Geocaching? Well it all started in the 90's. People hid boxes/trinkets all around the area- there are some in every town. Inside the box is a notebook, where whoever finds it signs there names and dates it. Also you are able to take something from the box- {which is something that someone else who had previously found the box left} But in order to take something you must leave something. So we were all set to find our caches' and got totally side tracked and didn't even go hunting. I guess next time.

Off to walk dogs at the humane society
Please adopt yourself a friend. And have your pets spade/neutered.

PS- Jill cut my hair this weekend too! About shoulder length and with a layer, of course my inspired look was of course Rihanna.
So excited to pick out an outfit when i get back and style my new hair! Maybe take my huffy on a spin.

Go out and catch what you want. Is it a new hair cut? New dress? A dog? An old friend you should make up with? Happy Catching!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Uncommon Grounds

Have the weekend off from work, finally. Came home to spend some time with my family and besties. Me and Jill went shopping in uptown and then relaxed at uncommon grounds until about 10. Kind of ironic uncommon grounds. Me and Jill haven't been able to spend as much time together as either of us would like, however we always have stuff to talk about. We always seem to be encountering the same situations. I don't think i've ever felt not on common grounds with her. We just go together. Two imperfect people, perfect for each other. Driving back from the cities, the rain misting, the smell of perfume and cigarettes, good music playing and good talks. Nothing compares to that. It is so important to have a girlfriend in your life that you know you can always fall back on and truly be open and honest with. Lucky me- i found that girl when i was 14. "We are each others angels"

2 shots espresso?. {bitter}

orghasmic chai tea. {6.20? yeesh. num}

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bliss Day

Woke up and went to the cities yesterday. First stopped at my place to do a load of laundry. Got to look at my diamond ring, getting it sized, steamed, mounted is a lot longer process then i realized. She estimated about a week until i can officially take it from the store and wear it everyday for the rest of my life. EEEE the anticipation is killing me.

{Nick making sure it is the right diamond. They now laser in a number into the diamond to assure it is yours, so no one can swap diamonds on you}

After finalizing the loose ends we went to lunch at Punch Pizza, we split a palmero just to tie us over until dinner with my grandparents.

I am marrying a cutie that is for sure.

We enjoyed our lunch and then went to the mall and shopped. Of course we danced while walking from store to store. Got some strange looks but we didn't care. Too in love to care.

After the mall we headed over to eat supper with my grandparents. My grandma made lasagna, salad, texas toast and apple pie. It was amazing. The four of us sat and talked for about an hour. It was a wonderful time.

Pure bliss sorta day.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


I love the weekend. My work schedule ruined this weekend. I worked 6-230 and my babe worked 2-9... You can be looking forward to pictures of him soon. He's such a cutie and has agreed to do a photo shoot. Speaking of photography, we have been trying to decided locations/outfits for our engagement photos so i am open to any suggestions. Tonight we are going to go grocery shopping, i may wander off into the clothes (clearance) section.{poor nick}. I am so excited for him to get off work and enjoy nona' living. Can't wait to get to the Polar Cane Cafe. It is this cute little cafe on the mississippi that has the best ice cream and sandwiches. They only sell pop out of the glass bottle and it has an outdoor patio where you can watch the big boats go by. I love coming up with inexpensive ideas that we can do together. Last night nick, me, josh, and liz went to Mangos'. New mexican restaurant- the margaritas are amazing we had razzzzberry and a peach one, and split a nacho supreme. Work 630-3 tomorrow- this whole working everyday is going to take a bit to get used to. My body hates me, i ache all over, and my feet are constantly throbbing. I shouldn't complain. I am blessed to have a job. It just sometimes takes a toll on a person ya know? Hope everyone has a great weekend. I have so many great things that will soon be brought to this blog. Instead of me just sharing my thoughts. Bye for now kitties
did i mention.. I love polaroids.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Just Rest

Finished my last test today. Officially it is summer for me. I thought i would feel giddy and hyper, but it is the complete opposite. I want to sleep for a week straight. However, work begins tonight and is almost full time until August. Sometimes a girl has got to get her beauty rest. It is hard for me to say no to people, but i know i just need some resting time. I don't want go out to the bars, or have people over. I don't feel like being around anybody. (Except Nick) Selfish? Ya, i guess you could say that is selfish
I am exhausted. I think it is good that i have realized it is okay to take some time to sleep. If this school year has taught me anything it is the importance of sleep. My mind still feels as if its running a mile a minute. I feel i've forgotten something, an assignment not yet turned in, that i was suppose to be to work at 3 not 5. I am going to work tonight, coming home and going to bed, sleeping in tomorrow and spending all day sitting with my eyes closed. I can see more when my eyes are closed...strange huh? But i can envision making lists, goals and plans for the summer. I want to be organized, but before i can do that i need to rest.
I can't always be motivated or motivational to others. Sometimes you have to find that on your own. My advice for everyone reading- The dishes can wait, the laundry machine will still be there in 2 hours, tomorrow you can clean, sometimes you can put off what you COULD do today. It is okay to procrastinate every once in awhile. Just rest and recollect your thoughts. Hope everyone has a restful and relaxing rest of the week.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Awaken my Soul

I always think of the saying from a walk to remember "her love is like the wind, i can't see it, but i can feel it." Today has been quite a windy day. The freshness, the smell, the sensation, getting goosebumps. Who thought something you couldn't see could cause so many different sensations? When combined with sunshine it gives me the ultimate high.
It makes me believe. I don't know what in, or why, but the breeze awakens my soul. My heart flutters, even if i just put on lip gloss and my hair sticks to it. Smiling seems easier and more peaceful. I just feel like running with my arms spread like wings and in hopes that the wind will sweep me off the ground. I feel simply serene. Undisturbed.
So everyone, just go outside. Even if for a moment. Close your eyes. Focus on the sense of touch. Don't listen, don't smell, just breath. And FEEL the wind, and the sun and embrace it. Don't think about if you look silly, whether you are a 40 yr old man standing in his driveway or a 20 year old girl who just cut her bangs and they fly everywhere. Whether you had the worst day at work, or the best day at school. The wind, at least for me, gives me a sense of connection with the earth. It is a feeling words can't explain.
Stand there,eyes close, and smile. Because the heart of life is good. Let it awaken your soul. As it has awakened mine.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Okay. I set my mind to something, and there is no getting me away from the idea. I keep looking at bangs. Do i want them don't i? Should i cut them or will i regret it? Well...what is the worst that could happen.? They look bad and i get made fun of, ha like i care what other people say. Just chopped em' off.

You know what? I think cutting my bangs was symbolic. I have control over what i do. Fear will not get the best of me. In the process of cutting them they were uneven, one side shorter than the other and i was like oh lord, i started them really far back. But i kinda like the end result. It is just hair. But being brave takes time. Does God make us brave? Or does he give us opportunities to BE BRAVE? Some of you are probably like- this girl is crazy. It is only just hair. It is sad that she thinks she is some big hot shot for cutting her own bangs. Mehh. I feel like i accomplished something today. Something internal. Something more than just "cutting my hair". Hope everyone is having a fabulous Monday! Thanks for listening to me try to compare being brave to cutting hair.. in the end no matter how small the fear was, if you overcome what is holding you back. You will be happy.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy May

Hoops and bandeaus are just about my favorite thing in the world right now. All my mind is really thinking about is Wednesday. Sweet summertime. May 1st huh? Remember "May Day" Baskets. I always use to do those. I bought plastics cups, a bag of candy and would put a few pieces in the cup, add a cheerful note, drop it off at their stairs, ring the door bell, and run for my life- hoping they wouldn't see me. Because obviously i did it to the boys i liked. Thinking about maybe giving my neighbors one....maybe that'll cheer em' up. How can people be so grumpy all the time? That is no way to live. I recently spoke about how music can influence and change my mood depending on the song. Weather is the same way. It is a conscious choice to be happy. We can't control the weather but we can control our emotions [most of the time]. Now we can't be happy every day all the time, but you know you, you know what makes you happy and what doesn't. So make the effort to make yourself happy. It is worth it. You are worth it. For me music, and getting ready makes me feel happy. So everyday of May I am going to find one thing i like about myself. Today I like my serious face. I think it is funny, because i'm really not that serious of a person. So when i am procrastinating and sit on photo booth going back through my pictures makes me laugh so hard. And sometimes it just feels good to laugh at myself. I just hope that even with this weather, and all the stress of ending a school year, and the plans we have to make for the upcoming months that we all take a moment. Laugh. Be happy. And realize you can't take life to seriously. Happy May.

gold hooooooooooops

going to make after my last final on Wednesday: summer cuppie cakes nomm