Tuesday, October 20, 2015

shopping buddy

i have the best shopping buddy

he never lets me linger in one section too long, which helps me stay focused on what i am actually shopping for

my cart is always clean and tidy because of him; sorry target for using half a tub of antibacterial cart wipes every time we visit.... and thanks nash for your grabby hands and making me keep my cart so organized so you can't get into anything

Monday, October 5, 2015

one of "those" days

i love my job so much

i love my schedule

i don't mind working weekends, this way i can be home during the week with nash and then he can have some quality time with his papa on weekends.

today was one of those days at home though that by 2pm i was like... is it bath time and time to get ready for bed yet?!

nash had had enough of his toys, his playmat, his jumparoo, swing, books, stroller etc.

so we sat on the floor in his nursery for a good hour just talking and playing around. from him gabbing at himself in the mirror, to practicing rolling over, to me trying 100 different ways to make him laugh.

i would not trade my days at home with my baby for anything. even if it was one of "those" days. the days where i didn't brush my teeth until noon, never got my contacts in, or hair brushed. but i know that someday i will look back and wish i could re live it. these are truly the best days, regardless of the tiredness and frustration that sometimes creeps in.

ps- i can't believe its already october!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

summer is no more

everyone seems to think i pulled out my mittens a little to soon this year.

but i tell you what, 45 degrees is cold! especially when there is a cold breeze.

i feel that if i need to bundle up in the evening to stay warm, baby needs to be bundled up too.

this car seat cover is awesome! it keeps nash warm without having to dress him in 5 layers.

me and nash will stay nice and toasty this fall in our jackets and mittens, while the rest of the city tries to ignore the fact that summer is over and freeze their arms off in t-shirts!