Wednesday, September 30, 2015

sunshine + dogs

with the cooler weather upon us, we have been making it an evening routine to bring mac to the dog park.

he lives for the cooler weather, playing with other dogs, and having the freedom of a few acres to run and sniff around.

mac isn't the only one who is adoring this weather...

the warm sun on my face, a crisp fall breeze, my snuggly baby in my arms, and my husband smiling from ear to ear because he feels the same immense happiness in this moment that i do. my heart is so full.

tonight was one of those nights where my heart felt still in the moment. i had this inner peace that i am exactly where i am suppose to be in life. gratitude to our Lord for blessing me with my family and  health.

i am trying hard every morning to wake up with an optimistic attitude, be present in the day, and enjoy the small things. i encourage you all to do the same. we can't choose our situation, but we can choose our attitude. (someone remind me of this during difficult times) it can be so easy to get wrapped up in the unimportant things in life.

i have found the happier i am, the more i am able to make others happy. its a wonderful vicious cycle to be in.

if only every evening could be filled with sunshine and dogs..

Monday, September 28, 2015

growing love

i swore when i married nick that there was no way i could ever love him more then i did in that moment.

i have been proven wrong.

my love for nick has grown every day since we have been married. his patience, forgiveness, and love for our family is absolutely amazing.

and now... seeing him be such an amazing father, has only deepened this love

when they placed nash on my chest for the first time, my whole life changed in a moment. it was like my heart opened and it can never be closed again. 

in the first few seconds of his life, i swore there was no way possible for my heart to grow any larger or sustain any more happiness; i was bursting at the seams in love.

every day my love for him multiplies, my mind can't comprehend this kind of love. the kind that just thinking about it brings tears of joy to your eyes. i am so proud and honored to be this boys mama. i thank god every day for entrusting such a sweet boy for me to call my son.

nash alan there are no words to describe how much i love you. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

monday iPhone selfies

hi there!

happy monday from me and this cute boy in the corduroy overalls!

this week will hopefully be filled with good weather, allowing for lots of walks and playing outside.

Monday, September 14, 2015

a wisconsin wedding!

this past weekend we took a mini road trip to wisconsin to celebrate our good friends wedding.

the 5+ hour car ride was a bit stressful for nash at times, but overall he did great!

there is something so beautiful about seeing all our friends meet nash for the first time. he was such a good sport through the entire ceremony. we were thankful the reception was back at the hotel so i could sneak away and change diapers, feed him, and get away from all the chaos.

we also got to do our first photo booth as a family of 3!

i am obsessed with these boys! ^^

nothing is better than getting reunited with all your friends and getting to basque in pure happiness with your family. agh, do i sound like a broken record?! i can't help it, my heart just feels like it is going to burst.

have a great week everyone!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

bumbo seat fail

i was gifted a lime green bumbo chair at my baby shower... and i have been so excited for nash to be able to sit in it. i've had it sitting out in his nursery since i was pregnant just waiting for him to be able to hold his head up so i could have him sit and play in it!

however due to some chunky legs this baby boy of mine has, it hasn't gone as smooth as i would have hoped.

i have tried multiple times to squeeze him into it, but he hates it because his legs get pinched. (i don't blame him)

nick and i tried one more time last night... and he tolerated it for about 2 minutes [enough time for me to snap this picture]

oh nash how i love your pudgy cheeks and leg rolls. i will squeeze em' all day long- even if it means my dreams of you loving your bumbo seat is shattered.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

a 50th birthday celebration

my dad's 50th birthday was this past week!

what better way to celebrate than with family.... and make it a surprise!

it was so great to see the confused look on his face when he walked into the restaurant and saw my family standing there :)

happy birthday to the best dad ever. thanks for celebrating with us!