Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mac n Cheese Za + Carnival

My Sunday consisted of going to CiCis buffet. Little did nick and I know, it was kids eat freeeeee on Sundays. -_-

Umm our baby bug is now gone. No kids for many many years. Still have a headache.

It was the last night of our county fair so we moze-eeed on through, and tried to take a peek at the demo derby.

Now off to the movies!


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Soapbox v.3

(Ooops cut myself off-)
Sooooooooooo- the point of this soapbox was to encourage you to find what you love, and inspire yourself to fulfill that dream.

For me, its travel.

Also, i would love to here places you've been and if you have any recommendations :)

The world is our stage is the word i was looking don't just utilize one part of a stage, you have dancers and actors on all parts to put on an amazing is the same. Explore.

The most spectacular show on earth... is life.

Friday, July 29, 2011


Vitamin D. Endorphins. Happiness. Squint-eee eyes.

Sun is needed for growth of plants. {Like Ezra and Athena}- And is needed for the growth of our minds.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Windowsill Love

The tall plant on the right is a boy, who i have given the name Ezra, which is Greek for helper. The short plant is a girl, her name is Athena, which is Greek for a woman of wisdom.

Thanks for the memories by Cecelia Ahern. My planner,the best of everyday fiction. An old brown vintage photo album i thrifted.

I love deep windowsills. And i love the items on mine.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


It was a rainy afternoon...

What better way to spend it then enjoying the rain that makes this world so green and such a beautiful place to live.

**click images to enlarge** (after all details are the most important part.)

When looking at this image through my camera, i couldn't help but think- what lies beyond?

Is there an alice in wonderland behind the shrubbery, a chronicles of narnia,..a hogwarts that is bewitched and appears to be nothing more than just bushes and another builiding....The possibilities i see when i looking at this picture is un explainable. I still like to believe there is magic in the world- that not everything is at it seems.

Do you ever wonder how rain can break off branches, destroy sturdy things, yet a fragile spider web can support rain drops? Why..

When looking for inspiration on where to take photos to capture my surroundings....i walked outside and just knew i didn't have to go far, for all these beautiful things were in my backyard.

How do you see the world?

What inspires you, or baffles you about nature?

I am in aw of nature. I want to absorb every bit of this world with everything i have. The feeling of the wind is the most inspirational/baffling thing for me. I adore it.

Nature is neat :)


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Trendy Tuesday

Mirror Episode..

I am a little too obsessed with belly shirts... but hey, you don't have to have the perfect stomach to wear a shirt that shows off the mid drift- its all about what you feel comfortable in. :)

I thought a mirror epsiode was a good change. Lets be real, we aren't always surrounded by beautiful backgrounds.

How do you think people lived without mirrors....not knowing what you look like- eeek. That is actually kind of creepy.

I have been trying to get more creative and daring with my makeup. It is hard though. I always think more is a change, but not always. Liquid eye liner isn't as easy as some girls say. At least i am not the best at it... i have gotten to stuck in my one look of makeup.

Have any tips how to keep liquid eyeliner the same width the whole way across?

PS- you all know i have thick thick thick hair, well today i took a scissors and chopped a layer out. we'll see if that helps.. thats right. yes. i am to cheeap right now to go get a hair cut.

Boop. Out.

Monday, July 25, 2011

(lumberjack days)

Sorry folks, i took my 4 days off from work, to also take off from blogging. But i am back and have had a wonderful weekend.

I spent the weekend with my friend mattie :)

Our weekend consisted of eating, drinking, boatin, swimming, and a whole lot of dancing.

Friday night was the most fun i've had all summer. I met all of matties' friends from back home and they are the most fun people i have ever met.

Despite being drenched in sweat the 8 of us worked the dance floor. Mattie worked it a little to hard and ending up on her butt, ha but looked hot while doing it.

Saturday we slept in, had amazing homemade blueberry pancakes, went boating on the st. croix, and swam in the river.

It was a beautiful day.

Makes me so thankful that i have great friends, and thankful i got to meet such fun, outgoing girls. Making new friends is probably one of the best things.

I am the happiest girl.

smiling feels so good.

you should try it. ^_^

Thursday, July 21, 2011

(Little Deli on 4th St)

Yesterday nick and i ate at this cute little deli on 4th street "Benos". It was decorated with paintings, and art.

It is all about supporting our local community, buy locally. Which is great!

They even buy things from locals and sold them. Such as soap, hand made mittens, and photography. The paintings on the walls were hand painted by people in the area, and could be bought as well.

A sandwich ranges from 4 to 7 dollars, and the soup is only 2. It was a cheap, cute, local lunch date. Their hoagies have a special tomato vinagrette sauce. mmm. We will be going back i have a feeling.

It got me so excited for me and nick to have our own community we call home. And be able to support the local businesses. To have a place we call ours. We wanted to go to this local music show that was being held down by the lake, however our work schedules are always all over the place- which is becoming very frustrating. So since i work in the evenings and he works days we don't find much time to do outings like that.

Someday. We are going to have an amazing marriage. I am so excited to proclaim how much i love him and commit my life to him in front of all my family, friends, and God.

We are growing so much more with God. We are taking small steps into incorporating him more and more into our lives. We know he needs to be the center of our love. Each morning when we wake up we have been giving thanks, and saying our daily devotions. And we are saying a dinner time prayer as well. I know these are things i should be doing already, but i am getting back to where my relationship used to be with God, and this time Nick is with for the journey.

Sometimes i wonder if this was Gods' plan all along...He is constantly re assuring me he is always there. Yet, i am like only 75% trusting him, and still find myself wanting to control my life my way. I am going to work on trusting him 100% and do according to his will. Even through my financial struggles, academic struggles.

Funny how one little deli shop can surface so many feelings.


Bye for now.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

(Pink Lemonade Cupcakes)

You may or may not believe me...but i did not have a single measuring cup in the house. I improvised with everything...

Cheers to you and to me, for with standing this heat.

Pink lemonadaa cuppy cakes between the olives, the pickels and cheap beer. :) i love my roommates. We have the BEST food selections.


1 package white cake mix
1 small package vanilla instant pudding
3 Tbsp sweetened pink lemonade drink mix (like Country Time Pink Lemonade mix)
1 cup sour cream
2 tsp lemon zest
3/4 cup water
3/4 cup oil
4 whites eggs

-- This was the recommended frosting, but for some reason my didn't turn out AT ALL, the butter and lemon and egg like curdled together, and seperated. It was probably because instead of using shortnening and butter, i used margin :/

1 cup butter, softened
1 cup shortening
1/2 cup frozen pink lemonade concentrate, thawed
2 tablespoons milk
2 teaspoons vanilla
Zest from 1 lemon
2 pound package or 7 1/2 cups confectioners sugar
3 drops of pink food coloring

The recipe i used for frosting is the one my mom taught me when i was younger- it is

powdered sugar

and then i added my own twist to it by adding the
lemon zest
frozen pink lemonade concentrate

- I used dry pineapple bits to resemble a lemon
- Colorful straw

Baking Directions:
1. In a large bowl, whisk cake mix, pudding mix, and drink mix together. Add sour cream, lemon zest, water, oil, and egg whites to the dry mix. Beat with electric mixer on medium speed for about two minutes. Use a strong mixer, this batter is thick.
2. Scoop batter into 24 lined muffin tins. Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes until cupcakes don’t look wet and a toothpick inserted in one comes out clean. Allow to cool completely before frosting the cupcakes.
3. Prepare the frosting by creaming butter, shortening, and lemon zest together. Then add lemonade concentrate, milk and vanilla with a mixer. Beat until smooth. Then gradually add the sugar, mixing well until light and fluffy. Beat in the food coloring.
4. Pipe frosting onto the cupcakes. (You will have plenty to pile it on. I had over 1 cup leftover. Leftover frosting is good sandwiched between two graham crackers). Place a lemon candy wedge on top of each cupcakes. With the straws cut the top 1/3 of the straw off just below the flexible part. Discard the tops. Then cut the remaining straw pieces in half. Place one straw piece in each cupcake to resemble a drink.

**Also it was suppose to be mixed with an electric mixer but i didn't have that either, ha so a fork worked fine for me. My arms are tired though- it is a thick batter.

They may not look as perfect as i wanted but hey, i had a great day baking and listening to my itunes in my hot little apartment. Sums up the summer of a college student.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Trendy Tuesday

With it feeling like a 107 where i am at, i am all about allowing my body to sweat, and cool off. Which means showing skin, and accepting a breeze.

These overall shorts with just a bandeau under allows a breeze through. Unlike a tight t shirt.

I think overalls can have many different looks depending on what you pair it with. For instance, be sure not to where be tacky earrings if wearing your hair up and these. I just wore pearl studs.

I think with this heat, and this outfit, a ton of accessories isn't necessary. Simplicity is what is key. Less is more.

Also, i have a trend alert!!!! Woooooo Weeeeeee Wahhhhhhhh (*sirens*)

These have been around awhile, but i am seeing them pop up more and more. I almost bought one from urban outfitters but i couldn't bring myself to spend 22 dollars on it. That is 2 hours of work.. meh.

Ring braclets. :) So cute. I want one. Find yourself a fun cute cool comfy outfit and just basque in the heat. This is a great excuse to go shopping! Malls and stores have great air conditioning. I think Cost Co is great around the lunch hour so you can cool off and enjoy free samples of food in almost every aisle.

Toodles. XX

Monday, July 18, 2011


Slept in and had a lunch date with my lovely fiance.

Summer berry salad. All organic. mmmm

Just got off from work and we are munhcin' on chips and popcorn. Time to watch a few episodes of a show :)

Stay cool tonight folks.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Saturday, July 16, 2011

{Women Who Inspire}

People are often unreasonable,
illogical, and self-centered;

Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, People may accuse you of
selfish, ulterior motives;

Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some
false friends and some true enemies;

Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank,
people may cheat you;

Be honest and frank anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness,
they may be jealous;

Be happy anyway.

The good you do today,
people will often forget tomorrow;

Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have,
and it may never be enough;

Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis,
it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.

attributed to Mother Teresa

Regardless of religious views, Mother Teresa was a great humanitarian, she is a great role model for everyone, i know reading this passage makes me truly reflect on my actions and contributions to the world.

We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone.

How are you going to help someone this week? Comment below and let me know.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Rainy day before work.

tea & wedding inspiration-

What do you like to do on rainy days?

A Better Me: (8 weeks to loving yourself)

Last night was such an eye opener for me. I had worked till 11, and was ready to go by 11:20. We made a pit stop at nicks' house, and upon those 5 minutes there i found myself in front of the mirror saying- i can't go out looking like this. It was a slippery slope from there.

I get very stuck in the one thought i have in my mind. I had worn my hair in the same high bun for the past 2 days, and hadn't shaved my legs and was in a skirt. Obviously no one else knew, but i knew, and i just can't seem to get out of my "mood" when i feel awful. I think part of it was due the fact that i stuffed my face at the pizza hut lunch buffet that afternoon.

Enough is enough.

I am not going to let my insecurities, and my "flaws" determine the course of my night, or my mood, or my arguments with my fiance. Not every girl feels pretty every day. At least i don't. Some will be better than others. So today i am joining an old challenge that Sometimes Sweet got me interested in. Be sure to check out her blog! It is an 8 week challenge to loving yourself, and embracing the days when you don't feel the best.

My 3 goals are:

1.Silence the self-criticism- I really due pick on my body a lot. The aim of the criticism is always at my hips/thighs. Why? My legs take me places, they allow me to work, and help others, they get me from store to store to shop, they let me go bike riding and swimming. Yet all i do is sit there and critique them how they could look better? I have this unrealistic goal of having Mila Kunis' thighs. Ever since seeing her dance in Black Swan, i thrive for that body shape. Which lets be real...unless i eat 1000 calories a day, and work out 5 hrs, 6 days a week like she did- i probably won't get that result. So, everytime i hear a thought creep up in my head, i am gonna walk away from the mirror, im gonna look at a picture of me that i really like and will block out the negative. All these negative thoughts have put me in such a weird mood.I am reclaiming my attitude, my thoughts, my mood, and my summer.

2.Continue my yoga routine- Yoga focuses my mind. It allows me to sense my body in a way that a cardio work out can't. I can feel the lengthening of my muscles, my core balance, my inner strength. Instead of focusing on what i can't do, or looking at the girl next to me who has been running the whole time, and i had to walk twice already. Yoga is such a good mind and body work out. It makes me feel good, and i vow to make more time for it.

3.Accept Compliments- Instead of always, always, having an excuse or a reason when someone says "you look great"- my response will not be "pssh ya right, or oh ya uh huh i just worked 8.5 hours" I will humbly smile, and just say thanks.

4.Dress up, just because- Time to get ready for nothing. I seem to only get myself dolled up before i go out, or for a photo shoot. But why don't i just do it, to do it? It makes me feel great. Honestly, to all you women out know if you take the time to make yourself look good, you'll feel good. It is okay to spend time on yourself you guys. You deserve it. I deserve it.

I hope everyone has self worth and sees them self as beautiful. It is so cliche, but if we all were the same, the world would be super boring. I am learning to be thankful for my differences, my wide hips, and my not so 6 pack of abs. :) "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Guess what? That means yourself, too. You can't control every aspect in your life, you can't even control what body type you have, but you can control your attitude.

I believe that everything in our lives stems from our attitudes. You have the choice to see the glass half full, rather than half empty. You have the choice to be happy, and you have the choice to see yourself as beautiful.

It isn't going to happen over night, i am giving myself 8 weeks. I will work on my goals daily, and check back in with you at the 4 week point to update you on my progress.

Genesis 1:27 - So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female.

Love God, Love yourself, Love life.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

(Thank Yous & Broken Cars)

Writing thank you's has never seemed like a chore to me. I enjoy being able to show gratitude to the people who have given me a gift, money or their time. As we all know it isn't always easy to say what we really feel, or ask for help. Writing a thank you is a simple acknowledgment that i am fond of.

Nick and i are so set on making our relationship a partnership. At one point i just wanted to write all the thank you's myself, because Nick doesn't have the most eligible hand writing. But he gave me this schpeel how he wants to do everything together. Including the not so fun stuff, he wants to be involved with invitations, and thank yous, and the guest list, and the planning, and calling our church.

This has shown me how much in love we have already grown together over this past year and a half. Constantly wanting to be a part of one anothers life, not just an extra person who you make time for. But to make a life together.

Our day turned out differently than we had planned. We went to the drive in diner, and upon leaving his truck wouldn't start.

Our friend and groomsmen Cody, came up to jump us. But after no luck, we abandoned the truck and hitched a ride home with Cody.

We called a towing company, and the mechanic tried cleaning off the connection to the battery, since it was eroded with acid. He then jumped us and that worked. However, Nick did end up getting a new battery, because it couldn't hold a charge.

It was a stressful situation, but we didn't get at each others throats. It is frustrating that these unexpected expenses come up, but that is the way it goes. It is all about how you handle the situation.

Which leads me into thinking about my next soapbox internal struggle, with trying to save money/ buying whats good for you ex. (organic foods, makeup, etc.)

Off to the gym, had a big hamburger for lunch n_n oops. Until next time my fellow humans.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Trendy Tuesday

It rained today :( But a break from the extreme hot is a nice change of pace. Here is the outfit that i picked for today...

I wouldn't consider this "high fashion" but it is for sure more on the side of upscale fashion.

It is funny how people give you odd looks while shooting pictures. Even when i'm at a restaurant and the presentation of food is so great, i take a picture. Well it is the same with people and their outfits. If you take the time to present yourself, why not capture it?

It is so fun how a pair of heels can just make you feel happy. I love love love heels. I never realized how much of a "girly girl" i am until i started really looking at my wardrobe.

Sometimes i feel like a hypocrite. Don't get me wrong i am happy and care free in my everyday life. But lately it seems the smallest things have been making me angry. A pile of clothes sitting somewhere i don't want them, a pen mark on my shirt, someone sneezing... I think i have been somewhat stressed because of the fact i am freaking out that summer is over half way done.

Whats the point of me being angry? It makes me feel worse.. my fiance suffers my grumpy moods, my friends deal with me not enjoying silly little things. I need to work on not being so stubborn, and letting the little things go.. But how do i do that? How do you guys do that?

Take a deep breath and just say to yourself, its not that bad....

I used more black and white images today due to the lack of sun. Also, because i am realizing things are more a shade of gray. Not everything is black or white. There is no reason i can't be annoyed about something, and still enjoy my day. It doesn't have to be one or the other.

Strange how the weather and my outfits seem to correlate with my mood. I don't intentionally pick them based on my mood. I just keep trying things on until i feel it looks good.

You should do the same- who cares how it really looks, how do you feel in it?

BBQ-ing and working tonight. Enjoy the evening ya'll :)