Saturday, August 27, 2011

Week 1: Inquiry

This first week back at school has been overwhelming, exciting etc..

Thursday night me and about 40 of my nursing classmates went to ladies night at an irish pub.

It turned up being a very eventful night filled with many girls falling while dancing, tumbling down a flight of stairs, russian men abducting people, and a 40 dollar cab ride.

It was so worth it.

Worked last night, and today is gym, meeting nick for lunch, library, and work again.

Tomorrow- STATEFAIR!

Wedding planning is at a hault for now. But we have up coming meetings with our parish priest, and RCIA leaders.

Cheers to the weekend.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Back to Reality

School has started. Mondays suck, class from 9am-5pm {with an hour for lunch}


So great to see my friends again, the 6 of us girls sat outside on my deck, grilled, talked about our summer, and gossiped. Enjoyed ice cream, and then heading inside after the sunset to have a glass of wine and watch Kate plus 8.


Feels good to be back. But ready to focus and get through it so i can "start" my life with Nick. Even though i have realized it has already begun.

I am so blessed.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Early morning coffe- headin' to our hotel

Farmers market... mmmm :)

At crown fountains cooling off.

Enjoying shopping, eating churros and walking along the pier.

Chicago style hot dogs and basquing in the sun at millenium park.

We had an amazing time and made many great memories. It was the perfect ending to my summer. Now to finish up this last year of college, graduate, pass my board exam, and marry the most amazing boy. Yep, this is gonna be a good year.

Class tomorrow at 9 am.

Laundry is just about done, then for grocery shopping and getting school supplies.

Have a wonderful Sunday evening everyone!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Trendy Tuesday

Helloooo. So school starts on monday, fall is just around the corner and wedding planning is in full swing. I am not sure if i'll be able to continue Trendy Tuesday during the school year, seeing as i am in term 3 of nursing. {supposedly the hardest term} But i'll play it by ear and see what happens.

Early morning photo sesh with m.h., then i am packing and heading to chicago for a few days with my fiance. :)

Can't wait to share photos from Chicago with everyone when i get back! Have a fun safe week as we all return to school and continue on with our adventures.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

5:00 a.m.

There is something about being up before the sun that has a calmness. The world seems quiet and enjoyable. No noise, just crickets and the wind. A few very early morning birds chirp, and my room is light by a dull lamp.

And then there is me. A 21 year old woman, soon to be nurse and wife, trying to make sense of it all.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Love Doesn't Wait.

Nick and I have been doing a lot of thinking about our Wedding. We had originally planned on May of 2013 {a year from when we graduate} but living back at home, and living away from each other for the 3rd year in a row just didn't sound appealing. We have contacted my church and other reception venues and are trying to find a date that works at the end of next July/ early August.

It is crazy to think that i went from having over a year and half, to now under a year to plan. I have never felt more excited happy and anxious for a day to come. We had thought about it all summer, and it feels like the right thing for us. Stay tuned for the official Wedding date. :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Trendy Tuesday

Tuesday Snoozeday. Slept in and went to pizza hut with my boy. After we watched breaking bad, did a photo shoot and relaxed with our windows and door open. It is a beautiful cool breeze flowing through our little apartment.

When i found these shoes at the thrift store for 2 dollars. I had to truly think to myself, do i think these are "grandma" shoes or are they actually cute?. I concluded cute, but when i met with my grandma in the cities she told me she had a pair that was the exact same. HA.

My photographer for the day :) [he is a cutie isn't he?] Trying to figure out my new 35 mm camera from 1984.

Stomach beauty mark {beauty mark sounds prettier then mole.}

The rest of the night involves wedding planning. We have some big decisions to make. Including moving the wedding to next summer. We contacted some venues for the reception site today. Making a pros and cons list is very helpful. Happy breezy cool summer day.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Weekend Sheenanigans

Worked, then went to uptown to spend the day with my maid of kittens.

I love thrifting with Jill. We are both broke, so it is fun to really hunt for deals.

Cheeeeeze burger earrings- (a must buy)

Dinner at Pepitos :)

Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! Me and Nick both have off tomorrow and will be spending the day planning the wedding and getting organized.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Day Off

An hour by hour play by play of my day off from work- and a day that Nick works' as well. All day for myself :) Every girl needs some me time once in awhile.

9:00 am
Waking up under the weather-

Fork Searching-

10:00 am
(eggs, pb&j toast, waffle stix, apple juice, milk from a mason jar)

11:00 am
Gym time-

12:00 pm
Shower and manicure

Being grumpy because i had to buy gas-

Grocery Shopping-

2:00 pm

Still thrifting-

Made Vegan Banana Bread-

PM hour photos yet to come! - have to get to work.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Trendy Tuesday

Tuesdays seem to come and go so how times flies.

Can't believe its already August. And also on a sad note..somebody stole my bike. They cut the lock..Makes me mad, and wonder who needed a bike that badly they felt they had to take mine. That thing was like a child to me. Whoever you are, you are a disappointment to mankind and the world is going down the drain because of people like you.

Does anyone have morals anymore?

Have a good tuesday. It is wings and karoke night for me!