Wednesday, April 15, 2015

the belly that keeps on growing [37 weeks]

when i think there is no way this baby can get any bigger, there is no where left for him to go. . .  he proves me wrong.

keep on growing baby, just means more chunky cheeks for me to kiss when you arrive.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

thanks trader joes

we have been getting more and more of our groceries from trader joes.

well in one of my days of extreme nesting, i was going through all my photo albums and found pictures from my trip to nicaragua. there was a picture of some of the food i ate, and there on my plate was roasted plantain chips.

 ^^ plantains are at the top right corner of the plate, (at about 2 o'clock)

since seeing that, it's all i have been craving.

and trader joes did not let me down! look what i found.

i was one happy mama today.

and mac got to try a plantain for the first time in his life. (he surprisingly isn't a fan), but hey i am not complaining, more for me :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

happy easter! [2015]

this year for easter we stayed at home all day.

i had a baby shower the day before and it was so much fun! it was overwhelmingly amazing seeing all my family and friends and getting such amazing gifts for baby.

nick and i decided to go through everything and get everything put away in the nursery.

about dinner time, nick was expressing sadness that we didn't have any easter traditions... that seeing all the families in the park behind our house doing easter egg hunts, flying kites, and having family easter made him long for that.

so what better way then to incorporate pancakes into a tradition!

i surprised him for dinner by making easter pancakes. . . hopefully in the years to come we can actually have them for breakfast. crazy to think we'll have almost a 1 year old next year at this time!

 ^ i forgot how much fun food coloring can be!

for the rest of the evening we spent time relaxing, talking about baby, what traditions we want for our family.. and snuggling with our fur baby.

reflecting on the true meaning of easter and spending the day with my family, i couldn't ask for anything more.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

35 weeks!

i apologize for my lack of creativity with bump photos.

i really wish i had the time.. or energy to take beautiful maternity like portraits every week. how do some of you women do it?!

an iphone & a mirror, i know i know, i am very skilled ;)