Sunday, January 31, 2016

Childrens Museum

today we decided to go explore the children's museum. since nash doesn't go to day care it is always really amazing to see him interact with other kids and babies. he is just fascinated by them and thinks the older kids are so funny.

anways here are a few pictures from our afternoon at the museum
discovering nature

reading chair

playing in the garden

building an ant

Friday, January 29, 2016

a foot injury

nothing like stepping on one of N's toys to put me on cructches and cause me to have a serious foot injury

i can handle the pain, but the fear of the vasospasms and having a cold blue numb foot peridoically is driving me insane

its the not knowing that is frightening

a big thank you for all who have helped me and my family out during this time. we are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends

Saturday, January 23, 2016

these are the best days

despite the cold winter

not leaving the house but once or twice a week for food

spending hours in front of the fireplace

playing with toys, diaper changes, early bedtimes and incoming teeth

these are the best days of my life

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

wild child

mac is our wild child. . .

he is getting a little stir crazy this winter. so am i mac. so am i.

he always keeps us on our toes, he can annoy us to no end... yet we love him so much and can't imagine life without him
stay wild fur baby

Monday, January 4, 2016

through his eyes

having a child makes me see the world differntly
watching him experience new things and his fascination with everything has made me see the beauty in all things
what a beautiful world we live in

Friday, January 1, 2016

a christmas video

here is a little video i put together from our christmas! hope you all had a wonderful day with loved ones. {sorry for the quality, can't seem to resolve the resizing/resoulution issue once its uploaded, it was filmed in HD, so any tech savy readers want to shoot me an email and help a girl out i wouldn't be opposed}