Friday, November 23, 2012


Our thanksgiving was filled with puppy love. We added a new addition to the clan, her name is Ursa and she is just the cutest lil bundle of joy.

The day was also filled with tons of food and playing outside before the snow began to fly.

I have so much to be thankful for this year.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Bee Happy

I have been reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.

This book is so wonderful. I can relate to almost everything she is feeling. It is a true story about a year of her life trying to be intentional with her happiness. Its not that she (or I) is "unhappy", but how many of us just go through our day to day life without truly appreciating it for all that it is.

This book is similiar to the SMART program I am undergoing. SMART stands fro "Stress management and resilience training" . This program, also known as AIT (Attention & Interpretation Therapy); How to be grateful, find peace and happiness in the chaos of life.

The mind is like the body. To be healthy we have to "work out" not just the body, but our minds as well.

Easier said then done. I am guilty of just mindlessly going through my day, not thinking about what I am even doing. I'm just doing it because I "have" to.

Train your brain // Engage your heart // Transform your life

If anyone is even reading this anymore. . .

What do you think about this topic?

 I had the pleasure of getting to attend one of Dr. Sood's lectures and got to practice this way of thinking and mindfulness.

Attention & Interpretation Therapy by Dr. Amit Sood

^^ Click the link and check out his book. I would highly recommend it, it can change your life.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Choices/ Excuses

I have been sick.

I have been working almost everyday.

I spent the weekend with family and didn't have time to go on the internet.

Just a few of my excuses for why I haven't blogged. All of which are true.

Sometimes you have to decide whats more important.

This week I chose me, family, sleep, & a break from the internet.

Is it Friday yet?

Friday, November 2, 2012

▲▲▲ : Seductive

Luring & transcendent. The beautiful inspiring Kate Upton.

What do you think of the November issue of Vogue Italia ??

The Mid-West in November

Last night Nick and I went to a close by communities fall celebration. They had a dinner buffet, entertainment, mini golfing, light maze, drive thru light show and much more. It was a chilly wonderful night.

Nothing like November in the mid-west. Stay cozy friends.